Wednesday, February 27, 2008

MIND BATTLE: bowie vs. collett

what would you rather? pass david bowie on the street and have him wink at you? or go to jason collett's cd release party on your birthday(PARTY)? kari, i am talking to YOU. and also 'the internet'.

Friday, February 22, 2008

most complex mind battle yet i'd say

kari i think this was a personal attack/trap...ATTACKTRAP because I CANT WHISTLE. oh and i kind of hate elvis. i will have to choose saying only 'elvis' forever because that is my only option!!!! i guess i could say it very menacingly (word?) so the message would come across that i hate him...but then ppl might think im jealous of him which im obviously not because my wildest dreams have come true? hahaha. ok bye.


CONGRATULATIONS! All of your wildest dreams have come true, and have been transformed into a reality. Unfortunately, you have also turned into a mute, leaving you with no choice but to be silent. ABSOLUTELY SILENT. There is an exception, however... you have the option of making a noise or saying a word, but you are absolutely limited to this one word or one noise. You will be able to do one of the following: a) whistle, or b) say "Elvis".
So what would you rather?? In your perfect world, would you whistle constantly, or would you say "Elvis" whenever you wanted to speak?
Also, your wildest dreams can't include "talking"... that's just lame!

no bus, no muss and fuss

I am going to go with walking... a crowded, smelly, overheated bus is my idea of a total nightmare and I can barely handle it when it happens! And if I don't have a seat, well, that makes it way worse. I've definitely been caught in crappy weather while walking, and I'm usually unprepared... but I think I'd be able to stick it out, and it will make the instant that I walk through my door that much more rewarding! Also, I'd feel like somewhat of a hero, conquering the walk home without dying and everything....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

mind battle: bus vs walking

would you rather get on a crowded smelly bus and start sweating a whole lot (oh and you also have to stand) OR walk the same distance (and say this is -5 weather) and you dont have a HOOD! ps: you are sweating so much because you are relatively buddled up because it's wintertime and also because you have social anxiety, duh!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

home alone nineteenthousandhundredfortytwo

Home Alone 2 is definitely my choice as well, and I am somewhat sorry to hear you haven't watched either in quite some time... I will forgive you eventually.
Home Alone, in my opinion, is still wonderful, but the 2nd is just oh-so-exciting with the New York City factor... I mean, being lost in such a city, WOW. Unthinkable!!! It's also a little more heart-warming, considering the bird lady and the turtle dove gift-giving. Plus, Kevin McAllister is a mastermind and Home Alone 2 has solidified that very fact.
ALSO, Kevin's mom is awesome and maybe it is because of her Catherine O'Hara-ness, or maybe it's because she also seems to accumulate psychic abilities in the second movie. I don't have a son, so maybe this is a mother/son bond in general, but when she was trying to figure out WHERE Kevin was within the city, she somehow knew that he would be in front of the giant Christmas Tree in New York... wait... maybe she's not psychic... maybe Kevin's just predictable. Fuck. Nevermind.

home alone 1 or home alone 2: answer

though it has been nearly a millenia since i have seen going to go with my gut here and say home alone 2. im pretty stoked on both because you know, culkin AND catherine o'hara. and i appreciate that she was given the chance to be in such shitty movies instead of say, making something awesome with christopher guest. but 2 mainly because it is in nyc, and who can resist that glitz and glamour and it's christmastime there and there are lots of pretty shops and lights and maybe even a naitivityaslkfjal scene if i remember correctly. fuck i dont remember either movie at all. i still say home alone 2 though. the end.

reviving the christmas spirit!!!!!

Since the last question was somewhat of a messy one, I thought I'd make this "would you rather" a little more light-hearted...
As a huge fan of Home Alone, I have to ask you, Erin... would you rather watch Home Alone 1 or Home Alone 2??
Home Alone 3 (or 4th... I have a horrible feeling that there is, in fact, a 4th) obviously don't count, because if there's no Culkin... what's the fucking point???

Monday, February 18, 2008

rebuttal: diarrhea vs. vomit

kari, while you made some very valid points i would like to bring up a couple things...
you mentioned that vomitting is more socially acceptable, and i think that is the key reason why i choose vomit (in social situations/public at least)..say you are driving in a car with maybe some other's much easier to pull over and puke on the side of the road then have diarrhea all over everyone.
also..not only is it more socially acceptable, vomitting is kind of cool...i mean that really sexy girl from the kills vomits on stage a lot and how hot are they right now?
k that's all. what do we do now? this is a really complex blog.

"diarrhea or vomit?" erin asks, kari replies with...

diarrhea!!!!! hands down. i back up my answer with: i hate puke, thus i am scared of it. plus, diarrhea is just liquid poop and humans already poop so puke is more alarming because it doesn't happen as much, unless you're bulimic. both suck though, and diarrhea is definitely the underdog as puke seems to be more acceptable due to the people who can't HOLD THEIR BOOZE!!!!

i'm just gonna throw this out there: what's worse than diarrhea and puke? both, simultaneously... food poisoning, anyone? worst nightmare!!!

diarrhea or vomit?

welcome. this is a brand new important blog by erin and by kari. we will have MIND BATTLES. ALL THE TIME.

diarrhea or vomit kari?

ps: i think i should mention that this blog has a sci-fi feel to it, if that's not apparent to some of you dinks.