Monday, February 18, 2008

rebuttal: diarrhea vs. vomit

kari, while you made some very valid points i would like to bring up a couple things...
you mentioned that vomitting is more socially acceptable, and i think that is the key reason why i choose vomit (in social situations/public at least)..say you are driving in a car with maybe some other's much easier to pull over and puke on the side of the road then have diarrhea all over everyone.
also..not only is it more socially acceptable, vomitting is kind of cool...i mean that really sexy girl from the kills vomits on stage a lot and how hot are they right now?
k that's all. what do we do now? this is a really complex blog.


k said...

Erin, I understand where you're coming from... hopefully I'll never ride in a car with you when I say, "PULL OVER! I HAVE GOT THE DIARRHEA!"

luke said...

the thing about this question is that you need to define the parameters of said diarrhea or vomit. for instance, if i just had to do each one time, i'd much rather vomit. but if i 'suffered' from each, for, say five hours (not non-stop, but from when it started to when it ended, off and on), i'd probably rather have diarrhea, just because vomiting would be more frequent, and would get exhausting.

erin said...

but then you'd practically be bulimic which brings me back to the cool argument.