Erin... I know you enjoy Ghost World as much as I do (hopefully I made that up so I sound really cool), so I have to pose this crucial, to-die-for question:
Who would you rather be best friends with...
Seymour from Ghost World (played by none other than STEVE BUSCEMI!!!!) or... that other guy who plays with nunchucks and eats meat sticks??? Yes, nunchucks guy is a minor role compared to Seymour, but he is equally important, to be quite honest.

Who would you rather be best friends with...
Seymour from Ghost World (played by none other than STEVE BUSCEMI!!!!) or... that other guy who plays with nunchucks and eats meat sticks??? Yes, nunchucks guy is a minor role compared to Seymour, but he is equally important, to be quite honest.

that picture of seymour makes me feel funny down there.
I feel the need to really get to know the guy behind the nunchucks. (I think his name is Doug?) to make a proper decision. He obviously has very strong opinions about freedom of speech and his Country, plus his mad nunchuck skills leave me wanting more. He appreciates metal, and wife-beaters... We have that in common.
But there is something lurking behind those sunglasses, possibly the answer to the question thats been plaguing me 'since I saw this picture; "What was the word on his tattoo that hung hang man?"
Can anyone tell me more of this American Mullet Ninja?
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