Thursday, April 17, 2008

seymour vs. nunchucks.

really good one, kari!
as soon as i read it, ideas just started pouring out! like woah this question evoked so many emotions! i actually immediately made a point-form list, which i will now consult, to explain my decision:
I CHOOSE SEYMOUR, DUH. a few reasons (from the list):
* there is a good chance he gets free fried chicken. if you were bff's you'd probs get some too.
* he has a sweet record collection which he houses in a totally bizarre room and it would be fun to sit in that room and touch all his things (NO NOT LIKE THAT), while listening to someone named jelly roll morton or something like that. (and probably eating fried you see how great of a best friend he would be?).
* ok another one...there would hardly never be a risk of getting injured with nunchucks. on the other hand, maybe having a weapon is good for protection. he could probably just protect you with his charm and good looks though.
maybe that's all for now. i am tired. seymour rules so hard. oh he also drinks wine. which i am pro at!


wear as a 'perfume'...male, un-neutered cat pee
an alcoholic's breath? (that one inspired by a bus ride yesterday!).

fyi...dont worry about what other ppl might be able to stand can stay inside all day if you want! it's more what you could put up with better.

hopefully next time i can think of something not-gross. bye!


cali barbara said...

hi guys! just wanted to say i just wrote a post about having cat pee everywhere all over me and then i see this cat pee cologne thing??WEIRD AND CRAZY WORLD!!!! ! ! ! !

erin said...

ahahahha...that is funny and special.